Hi there!

Nice to meet you!

I’m Kerstin, and I decided to start this blog to share information on the subject of psychosis, from the point of view of someone who has been through it. 

Ending up in a psychotic state can be terrifying, and for the family members and friends who are watching a loved one swim in those waters it can be extremely distressing.

 There is always hope though, and there is also a lot people can do to help someone through these crises. It is even possible that a chaotic process like a psychosis can ultimately help a person solve underlying traumas and become stronger in the process. 

I hope I can shed some light on what it is that happens within a person when they are in the storms eye, and that I can give some guidance to how you can help someone through this challenging journey.

If you want to know more about my story, you can read about it in this article Healing from Schizophrenia that I wrote for  Mad in America.


upcoming projects

I am currently working on a guide for those who are helping a family member or loved one through psychosis. I will share updates about estimated publishing date.